Thursday, July 7, 2022

FeeLin' that HEAT

 It was a high around 85 degrees and she really didn't mind it at all. 

It was nothing compared to the high humidity and abuse she was experiencing back 

in her previous existence up north.

She was really grateful for her life in the now. 

She was very much given the best gift she could ever have received.

And she wasn't going to screw it up this time. 

She was in a new cycle now, and she was beginning to see why it was so important for her to expand 

on her path forward. 

She had been stuck in the same cycles for almost 20 years now. 

 Thinking that she was supposed to be an invincible woman with no emotions

was the hardest thing she had pushed herself to do. 

Of course she had achieved it several times over, however, each time, 

she wasn't pleased. 

The results were never satisfying. 

So here she was, in her now moment in a Tropical Getaway learning some new skills!

She was actually really excited this time, because this time, 

she was really serious about becoming

 a Queen.

A Goddess.

A Siren! 

She was so done being the best fallen angel she could ever be, and finally, she was ready to be 

initiated into High Priestess Hood!

And so the New Story shall commence in the here and now.


She had moved in with her twin flame just previously.


It was more of a rescue situation really.

She had thought that a twin flame was one lover that was meant to be in her life forever and ever, and ever,

but that was just her Neptunian illusionistic side that fooled her into believing that.

The truth was that there really was a few different types of Twin flame connections out there, not just that one love story belief.

Her soul sister was also a twin flame of some sort.

She could clearly see her previous life being played out right before her very eyes

thru her soul sister's current life situation..

And at first her pride had really truly wanted her to believe 

that she was there to help her sister out.

But little did she know, it was actually a mirror situation.

Her soul sister was mirroring her own faults and lack of understandings

 when it came to her own chosen actions in life.

And with this new vision before her, she was finally able to see

 where she had kept herself in a loop!

Repeating an old karmic cycle that had been passed down generation after generation.

So she closed her eyes,  took in a deep breathe, and let it out slowly. 

She realized then and there, that this is what made her whole.

This inner connection.. 

This inner knowing.

This inner understanding

that all things 'out there' was never really out there! 

and that the belief that it was, 

 was never really true.

So she sat there and allowed for this new reality to sink in...