Knowing the things she knew, wasn't the greatest feeling she thought..
But she definitely didn't want to ditch it, No matter how painful it was.
She wasn't a quitter.
At least not of the things that she felt passionate about.
And this was definitely something that burned inside of her
ever since day one.
She may have put it on the back burner,
And forgot to stir it, but she never threw it out.
She knew that she needed something to return to
especially when all else had failed for her exactly as it had done.
Living her life on someone else's terms, never really worked in her favor.
No matter how hard she tried to do things 'right'.
The way everyone else had done it.
Things never seemed to pan out for her.
And she didn't understand why.
She thought there was something terribly wrong with her.
That she was a born failure.
But she didn't feel like a failure...
Only a Follower...
But that didn't really satisfy her either.
For she knew she didn't come to this earth to be a sheep.
But she wasn't a wolf either.
And that's when she learned that there was another road.
A bigger road.
With tons of different animals to choose from.
Which one was she?
The possibilities were endless!
But of course in order to match
an animal to who she really was...
She had to attract it with the law of nature.
And the law of Nature spoke to her quite clearly and quite often!
Which actually told her that, perhaps... Maybe... Just maybe...
She was something more then an animal that the patriarchy kept trying to
feed the people to believe is all they would measure up to be.
She knew she was something more.
And she was about to find out how much more!